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Showing posts from May, 2020

Vrindavan - The land of lord krishna

Vrindavan is a holy place which is mostly visited by people to experience lord krishna's presence. I visited vrindavan last year with my younger brother as i got to know lord kishna visits vrindavan everyday even till this decade. I was so surprised & hence made a plan to visit the holy place.  We started of in the morning,  reached there by evening. After discovering  many neighborhood areas, we headed to vrindavan. The vibes were too good there but the plan of meeting lord krishna failed as no one is allowed to stay there at night after eight. Let me tell you what is the story behind this - Vrindavan is 5700 years old. People in this area believe that lord krishna visits this place at night. There are some trees around the temple those are small in size, they turn into gopis at night, even the monkeys & other animals leave the place before it is dark. The temple is locked with 3 different locks in the evening and are found opened in the morning.  People say that lord kris

A Memorable trip to himachal

I have been travelling to many mountainous places throughout my life, and today i am here to tell you about my experience of himachal pradesh tip of last year.  Me and Gaurav,  my friend, started of from delhi at 8:00 pm. The trip was around 11hrs long with a break in between. We reached Bhuntar around at 7am in the morning next day all the way from chandigarh & mandi. We took a local bus from Bhuntar to kasol, which dropped us at kasol bus stand.  Here we had some food in the  famous jim morrison cafe. After that we came back to kasol market, where we saw antique and local clothes and architectures, which was a great fun.  Next day we started off for tosh trek, tosh is around 1km from kasol. We had momos for breakfast on they way and then started again. The car dropped us at a point in tosh from where the vehicles don't go further. From there we trekked to stoned edge cafe where we had or bookings done already. We stayed here for one night. Next day we reached tosh village aft

Himachal - my first tournament trip

The first experience of everything in life is really very special & we don't forget it in our whole life.  This is the story when i was is 6th standard, it was my first time when i got selected  for the north zone cbse championship. This tournament was held in mandi (himachal pradesh) & us the best experience of my tournaments till now.  On the first day, we boarded to the bus, and reached himachal pradesh in some time, i don't remember how much time the bus took as it's been too long now. We were alloted a room in the, hostel of the school where we stayed with the seniors, who were from sachdeva public school. The were the bad ass people &at the same time the were very supportive as well. They used to call their coach chotu. In some time they started having fun all over, they had brought a speaker, in which the played honey singh's songs ,  which they played very loud, it was the in- campus hostel, so the sound reached the classes.whenever anyone used to co

Delicacies of uttrakhand

Eating habit of people differs from place to place, according to the availability of the food. Malbar coast is known for it's spices, southern region of india for coconut and much more. There are some beautiful dishes of uttrakhand that everyone must know &in today's topic we will cover the same.  1. Bal mithai Bal mithai is the local chocolate of uttrakhand, this sweet is made by roasting khoya for long time. When  the sweet is cooled, it's  cut into pieces and covered with sugar ballas 2. Arsa Arsa is a sweet prepared in uttrakhand,  mainly in wedding.  The common ingredients used are gur rice and mustard oil. Arsa resembles thick puri but the ingredients are totally different.  3. Singori Ice cream cone shaped sweet khoya covered with maalu leaves. Taste is identical to kalakand. 4. jhangore    ki kheer Jhangore ki kheer is uttrakhandi version of  rice kheer it is sweet pudding made with sweetened milk & wild millet. Wid millet is.used as it is mainly available i

Kuldhara : The haunted village

Kuldhara is the second most haunted place in india as known by people. It lies in Rajasthan, The state which is famous for its tourism & haunted places.  As no. 1 haunted place in india, the bhangarh fort also lies in it. Although both, bhangarh & kuldhara are considered as the most haunted places in india, they are the tourist spots at day time & are shut down in the evening. Kuldhara village was abandoned around 170 years ago. It is located in jaisalmer district. It was the village of paliwal brahmans. There is a story that deewan of that village used to take higher duties, taxes & used to trouble the people of the village. He fell in love with the daughter of the leader of the village, but the villagers didnt agree to deewan. In return he started torturing the villagers mentally & financially. As a result the whole village abandoned the village,  giving it the curse that no one will ever be able to live in this place. No one knows where the whole village went, it

Swala : Haunted village of uttrakhand

Uttrakhand is land of gods, and if god is there, the devils is there too. There are several places in uttrakhand that are considered as haunted by many of the people, and one of those places is sawla village. Sawla village lies in champawat district of uttrakhand, kumaon region.  There is a story that in 1950's, a military  vehicle was passing through that route, which accidentally fell down the road and all the soldiers were badly injured. They were screaming out of pain, people of sawla village rushed towards them & except helping them they looted all their belongings & left the soldiers there to die. From that day the ghosts of those soldiers are haunting the village & if anyone tries to enter the village, they drag him/her to the same place where they died. A temple was also made so that they stop haunting the village but nothing worked. To confirm if it's a myth or reality me and chachaji reached there one day.  We asked the people of nearby villages about the

The creepy night

Hanging out with cousins is fun,  isn't it?, this is the tale of time when i was a kid. We had come to our village for jatra, a pooja in which we make offerings to god like goat, coconut etc. It is a big ritual which comes ones in several years, the whole family come together  to village at that time.  As the family is big, I met all my cousins at the same time. It was very being there with my cousins but at the same time it was unacceptable for me to see an animal getting killed in front of me. As the ritual started and the goat was killed in front of my eyes, i and my cousins got scared & the same thing was rolling all over our mind.  The same day we decided to sleep on the terrace of our home in village, eldest sister of us also told us that she just lost one of her friends as she commited suicide few days back because  she failed 12 standard exams. This made us more scared, as we were already  sleeping on open roof, and all the elders were sleepin in their respected rooms.

Bhoon : The secret cave.

Uttrakhand is a land of gods as well as mysteries. There are various mystical places in uttrakhand, about what i will be telling in upcoming blogs.  Todays topic is bhoon, a secret cave in Dharkot, a village located in pratap nagar tehsil of tehri district of uttarakhand.  Pratap nagar is named before king pratap singh, who used to come to stay here in summers.  As pratap nagar is located in high altitude the king used to shift from Old tehri  which was located in valley. High mountains have low temprature that valleys, that's the reason he used to shift in summers.  Now, bhoon is actually located in forest area of dharkot. It is actually a cavity in the mountain, which the local people used to believe, is a short cut to rishikesh.  The story is that once, a goat of one of the residents of dharkot  accidentally slipped to bhoon. After one month of the incident, delhi residing resident of dharkot reached dharkot, after he heard about the incident, he told that he saw the goat with s

Types of Tourism

Tourism industry is one of the biggest industries in the world & contributes a big share in world's economy. People travel in the world  to experience various things according to their interests. There are various types of tourism for which people travel.  1. Rural tourism Rural tourism is tourism in which people travel to experience the rural life of particular place. India's most of population belongs to rural areas & tourists who are interested in studying the rural life of india are attracted to these places. Rajasthan, punjab, uttrakhand are good examples  for rural tourism. 2. Religious tourism. Religious tourism is tourism in which people travel the world for their religious beliefs. India believes in unity in diversity & hence people from all around the world come here to visit famous religious places like Badrinath temple, Golden temple, jama masjid etc. 3. Health Tourism  Health tourism is india is peaking as the world is getting conscious of getting fit.

Mountains : Backbone of indian tourism.

Indian tourism sector plays an important role in contributing to GDP of inda. It's share in GDP of india is 10%. I am a mountain guy & i love to discover various places located on the lap of mountains, learning about their culture lifestyle & much more. In my opinion, why i see mountains as backbone of the tourism industry as they are the natural resource to the tourism.  People in world admire the beauty of mountains & peope love to go there in search of peace, click wildlife photos, experience the fragrance of the woods & much more, snowfall attracts more tourists in the mountains. Winter sports are attraction in the winters which provides activities  like skiing, ice skating & much more.  One can experience skiing  in auli in uttrakhand in winters. Himachal pradesh gives you the best experience of winter sports like ice skating, skiing, heli skiing, mountaineering etc in places like shimla,  kufri, manali & narkanda.  Other activities like paragliding, ra

Varanasi - Travel experience

And here  i come with my new story of old golden days when i used to study in class 12th. I was a shuttler (Badminton player) during my schooling days & also travelled various parts of India for the badminton championships, This story is about my last badminton tournament that was held in varanasi uttarpradesh. (CBSE NATIONAL BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIP ) On the first day of the trip i started off from my home,  met my friends. We were around 7 people from our school & 4 teams from delhi. Soon as the trip was about to began we occupied our seats. We didn't  even get to know when the trip finished as we all were busy playing uno watching movies and doing other stuff. Train stopped and we boarded to the buses of sunbeam lahartara school, where we were supposed to stay. The opening  ceremoney was grand & there we met many of our friends, who were from delhi too. That day when we went to sleep, we got to know that we are going to share our room with uttrakhand's sub junior t

Why do we learn about the travel industry?

Travel industry is one of the highest revenue generating industry in india. It contributes about 10% 0f the total Gdp of india all alone. Tourism industry generated  4.2 crores jobs in india for the year ( 2019).  Apart from contributions to Gdp,  it is also a very interesting career option, paying you for interesting jobs. If you are the type of person, who really want to explore the world this is the right career option for you, as you get paid for travelling. Some of the best career options in this industry are as follows 1.Flight attendants/ pilots If you are a person who love to see new faces, are extrovert & want to explore the world with a handsome sallary with additional perks & benifits this carreer is for you. 2. Hoteliers Being a hotelier is a great career option if you want to work at one stable place. You get a really lavish working enviornment and a good pay. You have many options to build you career in a particular department,  Food production, service, front off


Uttarakhand is one of the best tourist places in India. It's tourist destinations are famous all over the world. Places like nainital, mussourie, rishikesh are very much known places, but is it all?  "NO", there are hundreds of places in uttrakhand which are very less explored by the tourists.  Here i am,  to  tell you about those  5 mesmerizing spots that i highly recommend. 1. Shahastradhara Number of  natural swimming pools in a line , for which you dont have to pay a penny.  You can enjoy all day long. Hotels & restaurants on the banks of rivers. Facilities like lockers and clothes on rent is also provided. It is a must visit place in dehradun district of uttrakhand.  2. Pithoragarh  Pithoragarh is another heaven in India after kashmir .This district of uttrakhand lies in kumaun region.It touches it's borders with nepal. you will never regret visiting pithoragarh much of its beauty is yet to be explored. 3. Dayara bugyal Gaining popularity year after year,  d


My love for uttrakhand is never ending. As i am a mountain guy, i keep on visiting uttarakhand on daily basis. Once,  when i was in 11th standard, i & mamaji decided to visit the holy Badrinath temple. We started off  from Delhi at night & reached rishikesh in 6 hrs. We were thereat around 5am. The next phase of the trip was going to be very tough, though it was a 12 hr Journey in the mountains, most of us know how hard it is to cope up with that.  The first stop was 3 dhara, where we reached around at 10am &had our breakfast. This place is names 3 dhara as three rivers meet here. Slowly slowly,  we reached Srinagar Gadwal,  This place is famous for educational institutions. universities like HNBU & GB pant are located here. After some time we reached joshimath. Here we had our lunch around at 3pm and started off for Badrinath, although the journey was full of fatigue we enjoyed the views of joshimath. Trust me it's  like heaven.  Around @7pm we reached our destinat


COVID 19, A global pandemic has put the whole world on it's knees. Countries with best health services are loosing the fight against the coronavirus.There are about  44,00,000 cases across the world.Cases in india has crossed 78000 mark. But the question is "Is coronavirus the end of the world?"   The answer is "NO". Although the virus is highly contagious,  but it is not as much effective to finish the entire world.As we can see mortality rate is very low as compared to recoveries. It's mostly effective in children and the sinior citizens. But good immunity keeps corona away, so focus should be on building immunity. It is expected thar the vaccine would be available within 12 to 18 months. Till then the precautions should be taken and basic hygeine practices  should be followed to fight the virus


"UTTRAKHAND" The land of gods, is not only famous for it's beauty,  but also for adventures and it's wildlife.   last year, in summers me and my brother decided to go to our village without our parents for the first time. Our village 'Dharkot' is around 90 kms from the Tehri district in uttrakhand. Though it is very long, tiring on road journey of around 12 hours from delhi, we reached there fatigued.  Next morning, me, my brother,  my two cousin sisters & chachaji headed towards uttarkashi to take my cousin's  diploma , that is again around 90kms from Dharkot. On the way  to uttarkashi we saw a carcass of a cow in Dhanturi. Chachaji told me that the cow was hunted by a leopard. Soon we  reached uttarkashi had lunch around at 2pm took the diploma and headed back to Dharkot. We were also excited as chachaji had promised us that he would take us to Nachiketa tal in Chaurangi khal.chaurangi khal is a very beautifull place with dense forest and greenery,